Wednesday, 8 June 2011

KT Tunstall - Uummannaq Song (Wrong Island remix)

I've been working with my friend, Aleks, on some tunes for about a year or so now. A few things of our own and a few remixes. So far we've rejigged music by Hot Chip, Detachments, Moon Goons and now KT Tunstall and Sons and Daughters (though we've only just started that yin so it might be a few weeks).

Remixing is a funny thing as you end up putting just about as much work into it as you would with an original compostition only with the added attraction of not having to write lyrics.
This one came about in a rather long and convoluted way: I saw KT play in MacSorley's on Jamaica Street in Glasgow as part of a tour of wee pubs she was doing. This song stuck out due to the Kate Bush sounding backing vox and I thought we'd quite like to remix it. So I asked her tour manager if she'd say something at the end though in the end it was a bit of a rush out the door thing so I never got to speak to Ms. Tunstall herself. A few months later I got an email from an old friend in San Francisco who'd met Kate through a mutual friend and it turned out she'd mentioned me asking about the remix. Fast forward about 8 months and I got an email in NYC with the parts as an attachment. Very nice.

The remix we've done is quite different to what I thought we were going to do; mostly because of Aleks having borrowed a Vostok synthesiser which we had a bit of fun with (mostly him patching lots and lots of cabling in while I looked dumbfounded and tried to keep up with the sheer volume of information he was telling me.) before laying down a bassline. Always a good place to start.
We then layered several arpeggios over each other, added drums, percussion (I finally got my timbale obsession out my system) and then the vocals. There's still one or two minor changes to get done but mostly this baby is put to bed. Hope you enjoy.

KT Tunstall - Uummannaq Song (Wrong Island's Cold Summer mix) by wrongisland